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Welcome to Good Neighbors Fund!

Since the 1950s, Good Neighbors Fund (GNF) has been a dedicated pillar of support for the local community in Dickinson County. We are a charity organization that raises funds year-round with the sole mission of benefiting local nonprofits. Our commitment lies in ensuring that 100% of the money raised goes directly to local charities, making a significant and lasting impact on the lives of those in need.

At GNF, we understand the importance of collaboration and community involvement. Each year, local agencies have the opportunity to apply for funding through our annual fund drive. These applications are thoroughly evaluated by our diligent Board of Directors, who carefully select the nonprofits that will receive support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that every dollar donated to GNF is allocated to projects and initiatives that truly make a difference in Dickinson County.

Our organization thrives on the belief that together we can achieve great things. With the help of our compassionate donors, dedicated volunteers, and community partners, we strive to build a stronger, more resilient community for all. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and efforts, we create a powerful force of positive change that ripples through the lives of countless individuals and families.

GNF acts as a vital link between those who have the means to contribute and the local nonprofits that tirelessly serve the community. We believe in fostering a spirit of goodwill and compassion, promoting empathy and understanding, and empowering nonprofits to fulfill their missions effectively. Through our annual fund distribution, we provide the necessary support to organizations working in various fields such as education, healthcare, social services, and environmental conservation.

We invite you to join us in our journey towards a brighter future for Dickinson County. Together, we can create a community where everyone has access to the resources and opportunities needed to thrive. Whether you choose to donate, volunteer, or spread awareness about our cause, your contribution will play a crucial role in transforming lives and making our community a better place for all.

Thank you for your unwavering support of Good Neighbors Fund. With your help, we can continue to be a beacon of hope, compassion, and generosity in Dickinson County.

Board Members

Luke Donnenwerth


Darren Anderson

Vice Chairman

Shar Eckard


Cheryl Harms


Nicole Evans

Michael Sandy

Deb Ditsworth

David Rodawig